You guys! After a LONG wait, the third book in my trilogy, A BILLION ECHOES, is now available on all e-book platforms, and in print on Amazon, and other outlets.
This means the series has gone wide! You can also get the other A THOUSAND FACES books wherever you like to buy e-books. See links on the sidebar to your right.
In addition to that, A THOUSAND FACES is now FREE on all platforms. So if you haven’t tried the series yet, you can do so risk-free. (And tell your friends. Because who doesn’t like to try series for free, amiright?)
And, if you want the whole thing in one go, the omnibus edition is also now available on all e-book platforms.
So excited to share this series in its entirety with you. It’s been a long time for me, and almost as long for readers of the first book. And guys. Now it’s DONE!