I’m a little behind on the linkage here, so today’s post is something of a buffet.
The most recent first: Michelle over at Book Briefs wrote a stellar review of Everything’s Fine. Squee! One of my favorite things about releasing a book is getting to hear what other people think about it. Check out what she has to say.
She’s also hosting a giveaway (US only) of a paperback copy of the book. Head over and enter!
My friend Sandra Tayler wrote a very kind review as well.
I was interviewed for this article about writing contests following my post over at Cynsations. And I was also interviewed by S. E. Page over at Forty Gallons of Sap about what parts of Everything’s Fine I drew from my life. (Spoiler: it’s not a lot. Mostly small details.)
I wrote a guest post for Michelle D. Argyle about sustaining an idea over ten years. (That’s how long it took me to reach the final draft of Everything’s Fine. )
Also, you may have heard of Amazon’s new subscription service, Kindle Unlimited. Everything’s Fine is available right now through that service, and if you borrow it and read it, Amazon pays me just like they do if you borrow the book through the Kindle Owner’s Lending Library. So if you have Prime, or are a member of Kindle Unlimited, you can check out the book for free and I still get paid for it. Bonus!
Phew! That was a lot. Note to self: remember you have a blog and parse these out!
Thanks so much to everyone who’s read the book, and also those who’ve left a review. Especially with an independent project like this, it helps SO much when you spread the word. THANK YOU. You all ROCK.
In late-to-the-party news, I believe that I never showed off the pretty cover for the German edition of Chasing the Skip. There was some confusion around the German release, and this got lost in the shuffle. But there is in fact a German edition, and here it is. Better late than never, I guess.