I’ve decided to publish some of my own novels this year.
I tried about fourteen times to write the paragraph that precedes that one. I tried to explain why I’m making this decision–why it isn’t a political move against traditional publishing nor a vote of confidence that self-publishing is the future. But it all comes down to this:
I’ve been sending books to editors in New York for thirteen years. I still think that big publishers have lots of things to offer. I’m glad I sold Chasing the Skip to a traditional publisher. But I’ve been doing it so long that a lot of the creative challenge is gone. I think about sending more books to my (wonderful) agent, and I feel tired.
When I think about trying something new with my work, I feel terrified, but also excited. I feel the energy I need to revise, and to write new material. Mired in the realities of the industry, creative energy can be scarce. I have to seize it where I find it.
What I need right now is a new challenge, so I’m building myself one. And I think it’s so wonderful to be a writer in 2014, when there are so many options. I think it’s so great that if something isn’t working for me the way I would like it to, that I can pick something different. I can try something new. And if it doesn’t work out, there are more options after that; there are more things to try. Possibilities breed opportunity, and I’m thrilled for the chance to chase after them.
I don’t have any specific announcements to make right now, but as the year progresses, that will change. I plan to share lots about the process, the work with my editor (because yes, all books need editing), and with my cover designer (because I’m quite aware that I’m not one), and so forth. Right now I’m at the beginning stages, where I’m just beginning to winnow down the options.
What I do have now is this news for the New Year: I’m going to publish some books. I hope you’ll want to read them.
Stay tuned.