Today is the quarterly teamTEENauthor Dare Day, or the day in which we must complete dare challenges and then post them for all to see. Here, therefore, is a video of me putting extra chunky peanut butter all over my face. (The dare was only to take a picture, but I figure if a picture is good, a video is better. And we only had chunky peanut butter in the house. Yeah. I should have bought creamy.)
For the record, editing together this video (because my camera kept shutting off randomly) was more embarrassing than the peanut butter escapade. And despite my predictions, I didn’t in fact break out. Maybe peanut butter is good for the skin, as well as for getting gum out of hair.
Over at Julie Cross’s blog you can find not only an ode to her celebrity crushes (and you can consider me a ditto on everything she says about them, although I was a Brandon Walsh girl, myself) but also a giveaway for lots and lots of books, including mine.
If you haven’t had enough, good news! You can find more Dare Day posts today by the other members of teamTEENauthor. Here are some links. Hope they work. If they don’t, well, that’s embarrassing.