
It’s been raining every day, which I kind of love. I’m from the Bay Area, land of the rainy winter. The rain is my friend.

But my yard has been completely taken over by weeds. I feel a connection to my yard. It’s full of living things I want to take care of. Many of them I planted. Many of them are pretty. Many of them feed me yummy foods. The weeds get in the way of both of those things. But the few sunny days have been low energy days, and the ground isn’t drying out between rainings, which makes weeding messy and unpleasant. So instead I just feel bad for my yard.

Yesterday Drew and I took a walk in the rain, and I discovered something. Everyone is being invaded by weeds. No one is weeding their yards sufficiently. Because, you know, it’s raining all over the neighborhood, not just in my yard.

I still wish my yard were weed free, and I’m not looking forward to the odyssey of weeding ahead to get there. But I’m also not feeling so responsible anymore.