Last week I had a killer cold. I made it to three of the ten things I had committed to attend. I did nothing on the list of Things To Do that wasn’t catching fire.
That meant that everything on the list of Things To Do from last week got poured on to this week. So this morning I was very pleased to discover that this week is yet still rather empty. This is good, as I need lots of time to write and noodle around in my brain about writing if I’m going to get this draft finished this month.
The draft, fortunately, is going beautifully. I’m actually very pleased with it, which is unusual for me, especially when I’m drafting. I’m sure it helps that I’ve drafted this book before and revised that draft several times–but I think some of it that I’ve improved quite a bit since the last time I drafted a book. That was *gasp* back in 2008, after all. It’s nice to feel pleased with my work, rather than disgusted with it. I’m already making revision plans, though some of those depend on notes from my writing groups/alpha readers/agent. Either way, I’m enjoying the work rather than dreading it, which is a nice improvement.