I’m leaving town tomorrow to go to World Fantasy in San Jose. It’s actually at the same hotel as my high school winter ball. Good times.
I wish I’d had half a second to think about the convention and prepare for it…but I’ve been running around like crazy all month, with this week speeding up into a crescendo of busyness. I have no idea what’s going on at the con, besides the dinner I’m going to on Saturday night. I’m not going to have time to find out tonight, as I’m running off to shoot aliens with friends. This is necessary, as I badly need to wind down before I wind all back up again for the weekend.
We have one Schlock left for sale. After that, we’ll have a reorder coming in a couple of weeks. We didn’t even do any of the advertising stuff we usually do for this mini. By the time I was ready to make web banners and forum banners and write a product pitch, our inbox was already full of orders. There just wasn’t time. I’ll get it all up for the next run, though. We’re ordering quite a lot of them, in hopes of being able to keep them in stock for several months at least.
This weekend is going to be crazy. My list of Things To Do for next week is already a mile long. I am tired and frazzled and the end of the busy is afar off. But I’m busy doing things I love (and things that I don’t like but are related to things I love) and so I’m happy. It’s good to be happy underneath the incredible frazzle of busy.