Why Computer? Why?

I have fixed the scheduling, sort of.  I have mailed minis and washed shirts and set up our wireless network again. 

My laptop can see that we have a wireless network.

It can connect and allow me to write this post.

So WHY will our other computer not see that we have a wireless network?  WHY will it not connect?

Blah.  I know just enough about computers to feel like I should be able to fix it, but not enough to actually know what’s wrong.

I’m going to restart.  That’s my magic cure for all problems computer.  I’d feel bad about that if it didn’t fix the problem 75% of the time.

Update:  It worked.  I really sometimes wish I understood WHY these things worked.  I can usually fix our computer, I just never have any idea what changed between it working or not working, so I always leave the experience feeling like the computer was just playing tricks on me to amuse itself.

In the last two hours I have gotten yelled at, said goodbye to my husband for the weekend, stalled our stick shift, discovered the death of our wireless network, and realized I’ve double scheduled myself.

I really hope that’s the end of the everything-sucks list.

Exercises in Mimicry

Drew and I have been working on this cross-training project for Garden Ninja.  I’m learning to do everything he does for the business, and he’s learning to do everything I do.  I have the more time-consuming task–learning to paint well enough to pitch in with commissions if and when it becomes necessary.  I’ve been accomplishing this by copying minis he painted exactly–and it’s been really fantastic practice.  I’m certainly getting better, at any rate.

I have some photos up over at the Garden Ninja blog today.  Some of the minis in the photos were painted by me, and others were painted by Drew.  Click on over and let me know if you can tell mine from his.

(Also, just FYI, if any of you lj people are interested in following the Garden Ninja blog, I’ve set up a feed here so I can get it on my own friendspage.  It should be addable for everyone, if I did it right.)

Winning and Losing

Drew’s section of the business had an awesome month.  Mine had a terrible one. 

I continue to be amazed at how very not jealous of him I am.  Partly because I work so hard for his stuff that "his stuff" is really "our stuff" 

"His success" is really "our success."

Because he couldn’t have done any of this without me, evidenced by how he, well, *didn’t*.  And I love being part of that success.

We win some and lose some I suppose.  I’m just glad we’re not losing them all.  How utterly terrifying *that* would be.